Furthering Teacher Education at Lexis 教員のスキルアップ:レクシスの戦略





With the interest of bettering Lexis and bettering our students and teachers, I recently participated in a Harvard School of Education certification program on school leadership and challenges within education. The course itself provided frameworks for understanding weaknesses and leading change within schools.  I was lucky enough to work directly with school leaders and principals from around the USA and around the world.  My goal is not becoming simply a school leader in title only, but a certified leader who consistently stays up to date with what is happening in education in the USA and around the world. 

In the course, I worked directly with a school director from Australia who taught me more about the methodology and educational standards there. I worked with a principal from an international school in Germany, where I learned more about the intricacies of their program and the profound effects that it is having.  I worked extensively with fellow Americans, at the elementary school, junior high school, and high school levels.  One of the most inspiring people was a 12 year veteran principal from Boston, USA who inspired a group of underachieving students to have nearly a 100% graduation rate at her high school.  She used a methodology and framework that I studied extensively in my learnings at the school. 

Since my enrollment in the certification program, I have been working actively behind the scenes to make sure that Lexis does everything it can for our younger students.  Through our staff meetings we will be offering additional training to our teachers in order to help them continue to serve the diverse types of students.  At Lexis, we offer a unique opportunity for Japanese students in local education to learn internationally.  Using North American and European references we continue to propel our students to be both inspirational Japanese students, and worldly students capable of communicating and working with people from around the world. 

For students enrolled in our returnee and bilingual program, we will continue to inspire them, but also actively promote those students to share their unique experiences from around the world.  For students in our standard courses, we will work patiently with them while they acquire the knowledge and language ability to be ready for international understanding.  Whether our students stay in Japan or travel abroad, work domestically or internationally, we aim to be the school that prepares them for the highest level of achievement.  All while in a relaxed and at home atmosphere, right here in Kichijoji.