Lexis @ Team Lab Planets! 11月23日 One Day Camp
On November 23rd, due to popular demand, we are heading back to Team Lab Planets!

豊洲にある『team Lab Planets TOKYO』が” Asia’s Leading Tourist Attaction 2023”を 受賞しました。レクシスでは入手困難なチケットを確保! 2023年のアジアトップの観光名所を一緒に体験しませんか? いますぐ11月23日のカレンダーに印をつけよう! チケットには限りがありますので、早い者勝ちですよ~。
11月23日(木・祝)9:00 ~ 15:00
内容 TeamLab Planets Toyosu [チームラボ豊洲と外でランチ]
Regular Student(在校生) |
14,000円[ 15,400円 税込]
16,000円[ 17,600円 税込]
External Student(外部生)
18,000円[ 19,800円 税込]
20,000円[ 22,000円 税込]
On Friday August 11th, Lexis students went to Toyosu's "Team Lab Planets" for the grande finale of our international and returnee English day camp. The day was filled with sightseeing, delicious food, and visual stimulation like nothing else. Students enjoyed the lively atmosphere while communicating 100% in English and checking out the sights and sounds of Toyosu. We went to an American restaurant called Bubba Gump, looked into the Tokyo bay, rode the tram lines and enjoyed the pinnacle of entertainment at Team Lab Planets.
teamLab Planets TOKYO in Toyosu won the award for "Asia's Leading Tourist Attraction 2023." The award ceremony was on September 6. This place might also win the award for "World's Leading Tourist Attraction" in December. The World Travel Awards are very important and are like the Oscars for travel. teamLab Planets is a special museum with water and gardens. This facility had been unfortunately scheduled for closure in 2023.
Getting tickets to this may become very difficult, however at Lexis, we were able to get some! Mark your calendars for November 23rd and don't miss this chance to check out 2023's top tourist attraction in Asia (and possibly the world!)

Team Lab is an experience quite unlike any other! Its features make you consider the world around you through a playful fun approach. Each room focuses on different sensory experiences that are fun for all ages. You start off by entering a dark yet comforting room lined with a bean bag like floor. It’s your choice whether you’ll power through or give into and relax for a moment. It’s a fun rest opportunity to take in the nearby laughter and let yourself relax. This being the first room highlights the serene journey that you will experience.

There is a room with water features that highlight the simple beauty of koi fish and flowers, whose walls are all mirrored to express the depth of beauty. You can enjoy the cool shin-deep water at your leisure. Another breathtaking experience is the room with ceiling to floor light strings. They hang all around you shifting to different colors as they please. The lights make circling around you and the cool mirror under your feet helps them seem endless. Everywhere you look in this room you can feel that soft light placing you at ease.
A favorite room amongst the children was the room that has large spheres all around the room. They shift through different colors such as a calm blue, a bright red, and a vibrant orange. You can shift the balls around the room and even try to see who can reach the ones hanging up over your heads. This room it easy to get lost whether it be in the maze of balls or from all the fun photos you can snap surrounded by changing colors. The light blue helped our Lexis lightbulb shirt look really vibrant and neon!

Team Lab over the years has worked on expanding the different experiences. Two of the newest rooms feature outdoor areas. One of the areas has chrome egg-shaped masses that make you feel like you`ve stepping into another planet. The second new room has hanging flowers that have a delightful soft scent the shift around you. The flowers always creating new paths to explore. Both additions show that Team Lab can continue to expand its creativity and create new exciting possibilities for the future.

I have to end talking about my experience there with my favorite area. By far the best room to experience is a dome room that features floor to ceiling projections of various flowers. The mirrored floor is comfortable to lie on and enjoy the elegant visuals. You could sit there and always find something new to experience or focus on. Its a great area to feel like a kid looking at clouds in the park having a simple chat with your friends. Though the clouds in this case are the flowers that are all in different stages: from full glorious bloom all the way to simple seeds. Its tranquil vibes are something the can only be truly appreciated by experiencing.

All in all, Team Labo has an other worldly approach that once you enter through its doors you are leaving the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and entering a place that allows you to stop, look, and experience.