スプリングデイキャンプ! 3月25日ー3月29日
Lexis Spring Camp: Take Flight!
Lexis Spring School Day Camp 2024
Take flight with Lexis! With great excitement and joy we present to you the 2024 Lexis Spring Camp. Five days of English study, outings, and adventure! This year we will study airplanes, the process of flight, and engineering. We will explore the Tokorozawa Aviation Museum, visit Haneda Airport, and go indoor skydiving at FlightStation Tokyo! This event is very popular with our returnee and bilingual students .
レクシスのスプリングスクール 2024
レクシスと共に空へ!楽しい2024年レクシス春のキャンプを皆様にお届けします。英語学習と「Take Flight」というテーマで色々な場所にお出かけします。冒険の5日間です!今年は、飛行機、飛行のプロセス、そしてエンジニアリングについて学びます。所沢航空発祥記念館を探検し、羽田空港を訪れ、フライトステーション東京で室内スカイダイビングに挑戦します!
Lunch, all materials a supplies as well as a snack are all included every day. Students will also receive a T shirt and be able to take home all the arts and crafts designed during the camp.

If you have special requests for meals, such as allergies, vegetarian, or foods for a picky eater, please be sure to include that in the signup information and we will do everything we can to accommodate all requests.
春休み英語デイキャンプ Schedule
- 1日目:3月25日(月) 航空技術と科学、技術工作。近隣の公園へお出かけ。
- 2日目:3月26日(火) 飛行技術、近隣の公園へお出かけ。
- 3日目:3月27日(水) 所沢航空発祥記念館
- 4日目:3月28日(木) 室内スカイダイビング!
- 5日目:3月29日(金) 羽田空港ツアー

- Day 1: (Monday 3/25) Aviation technology and science with technology crafts. Local outing to park.
- Day 2 (Tuesday 3/26): Flight skills and . Local outing to park
- Day 3 (Wednesday 3/27): Tokorozawa Aviation Museum
- Day 4 (Thursday 3/28): Indoor Skydiving!
- Day 5 (Friday 3/29): Haneda Airport Tour
Detailed Schedule
Day 1: Aviation and Technology: Students will learn about flight and aviation, study how things fly, design their own simple fliers, and test them out to see whose design worked best.
Day 2: Aviation and Technology: Continuing into day two, students will be able to better their understanding of airplanes, create a high quality airplane model and learn about how planes fly at greater distances.
Day 3: Tokorozawa Aviation Museum: A full days outing to Tokorozawa.
Described as the best aviation museum in Japan, students will have a chance to explore a massive airfield, complete with full size airplanes, historical helicopters, an I-Max movie theater, and hands on flight simulators. Lunch will be served at the Museum Cantina.
Day 4: Flying Day! Students will travel to Tokyo Flystation and learn from the experts how to actually fly through the air. Professional fliers will suit students up in flight suits and protective equipment. Then the fun really begins! Each student will have a chance to go indoor skydiving! Flying indoors in a state-of-the-art and high-tech fan room will likely be a once in a lifetime experience for many!
Day 5: Haneda Airport: A chance to get up close and personal with the major international airport. We'll arrive in style riding the monorails for a stunning view of the lively side of the city. While we tour Haneda, we'll shop for souvenirs, speak to travelers and check out the JAL Sky Museum. We'll stop for lunch at one of the many fine restaurants to the airport, and watch airplanes take off and land from the observation deck.

All activities are directed and led in English by experienced native teachers from either Canada or the USA. (Japanese speaking staff will be present for support but all of our teachers are also bilingual). Just like our summer and winter camps, our spring camp is made to be enjoyable, informative, special, and inspiring. We hope to offer all students the opportunity to have wonderful English experiences during their spring holiday. When it comes to learning, we'll group students by their English skills. Those who are returnees, bilingual, or native English speakers will face challenges similar to what they would in North American schools, in subjects like science and English. We aim to spark interest in both boys and girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as well as in English.
2024年 スプリングスクールデイキャンプ 時間割
- 飛行や航空について学び、飛ぶ仕組みを研究します。
- 簡単な飛行機を自分で設計し、テスト飛行してどのデザインが最も良いか確かめます。
- 飛行機についての理解を深め、高品質な模型を作り、遠距離飛行の原理を学びます。
- 日本最高の航空博物館と言われる所沢へ。広大な飛行場、本物の飛行機やヘリコプター、IMAX映画館、フライトシミュレーターを体験します。昼食は館内のカンティーナで。
- 東京フライステーションで実際に空を飛ぶ体験をします。専門家がフライトスーツと保護装備を装着し、室内スカイダイビングを体験。最先端の高技術ファンルームでの飛行は、忘れられない体験になるでしょう。
- 国際空港を間近で体験。モノレールに乗り、都市の活気ある景色を楽しみながら到着します。羽田を巡り、土産物を買い、旅行者と話し、JALスカイミュージアムをチェックします。空港内のレストランで昼食をとり、展望デッキから飛行機の離着陸を観察します。
Here is a video from our team lab camp in 2023