春休みスプリングスクール 2025 Science & Nature Spring Camp レクシス吉祥寺
スプリングデイキャンプ! 3月31日ー4月3日

Lexis Spring Camp: Science & Nature Spring Camp!
Lexis Spring School Day Camp 2025
Looking for a spring English and science experience for your child? Join us for the Lexis Spring Camp 2025, a four-day program combining hands-on learning, outdoor exploration, and creative activities! The day camp will include working with microscopes, terrariums, science, exploration plus multiple outings and field trips. This program will be conducted entirely in English. Students will be separated based on their English grade / ability level. This means standard Lexis students as well as bilingual and returnee students can join. External students may join but are subject to an English level check to confirm ability to participate.

The Lexis Spring Day Camp will be held on Monday March 31st to Thursday April 3rd. The day camp will operate from 9AM to 3PM. Regular Lexis classes will also be held during the afternoon this week.
レクシスのスプリングスクール 2025


Everything will be provided by Lexis. Science research materials, lesson supplies, event admission fees, daily lunch as well as a snack are all included every day. All students who attend the first two days will receive a microscope. All students attending the fourth day will come home with their own uniquely designed terrarium. Any student attending any day will also receive an artist designed and totally unique T-shirt.

We encourage all students to join for all four days, but understand schedules can be hard to match up perfectly. This year we have made it possible to attend just one day, two days, three days or all four days of the camp. Because it is easier for students to make friends and feel comfortable, we do recommend they attend all four days. However, for students' and parents' convenience, attending a single day is possible. Please note that activities for each day vary, but depending on the weather, we may not be able to do all outdoor activities if heavy rain falls. We reserve the right to change our daily schedule for student safety and hope you understand.
If you have special requests for meals, such as allergies, your child is a vegetarian, your child is just a generally picky eater, please be sure to include that in the signup information and we will do everything we can to accommodate all requests.

春休み英語デイキャンプ Schedule
- 1日目(3月31日・月曜日): レクシスで自然や顕微鏡を使った授業を行い、
午後は井の頭公園まで遠足に行きます! - 2日目(4月1日・火曜日): 顕微鏡を使った研究を続け、マイクロピッグカフェで楽しく
マイクロピッグと交流します - 3日目(4月2日・水曜日): 港区立みなと科学館で科学展示や体験型のアクティビティを楽しみます!
- 4日目(4月3日・木曜日): ワークショップで自分だけのテラリウムを作り、キャンプを締めくくります。
- Day 1 (March 31st, Monday): Explore nature and microscopes with a study session at Lexis and an afternoon outing to Inokashira Park.
Day 2 (April 1st, Tuesday): Continue microscope studies and enjoy a fun visit to the Micro Pig Café for an interactive experience.
Day 3 (April 2nd, Wednesday): Spend the day exploring science exhibits and hands-on activities at the Minato Science Museum.
Day 4 (April 3rd, Thursday): Build your own terrarium in an engaging hands-on workshop to cap off the camp.
Detailed Schedule
Lexis Spring Camp Detailed Schedule
Day 1: March 31st (Monday)
Morning (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
- Study session at Lexis: Reading, writing, grammar, science, speaking, and vocabulary through interactive group activities separated based on ability level.
- Microscope Introduction: Learn how to use microscopes and their application for observing nature.
Lunch Break (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
- Lunch provided at Lexis or local restaurant.
Afternoon (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
- Outing to Inokashira Park:
- Activities: Nature walk, tardigrade hunt, boat rides, and group games.
- Using microscope upon return to Lexis:
- Students will have an opportunity to identify species and write and draw using scientific research techniques.
- Contingency Plan: If bad weather, conduct indoor group research with premade slides at Lexis and possibly visit a local bowling alley.
- Students will have an opportunity to identify species and write and draw using scientific research techniques.
Finishes at 3:00 PM.

Day 2: April 1st (Tuesday)
(Mat class to be held from 10:00AM to 11:00AM and 2:30PM-3:10PM)
Morning (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
- Adjusted schedule due to limited classroom availability:
- Small group study sessions at Lexis (if fewer than ~15 students).
- Large group study session at Dig Bowl Party Room (If more than ~15 students)
- Continue microscope work and analyze findings from Day 1’s nature walk.
Lunch Break (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
- Lunch provided at Lexis or local restaurant.
Afternoon (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
- Visit to a Micro Pig Café:
- Interactive experience with micro pigs in small groups (maximum 20 students; 3 kids per 1 adult group). Possibly separate into two time slots, utilizing 1 teacher at Lexis and other teachers with students.
Return to Lexis before 3:00 PM.

Day 3: April 2nd (Wednesday)
All-Day Outing:
- Visit to the Minato Science Museum (3-6-9 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0001).
- Morning (9:00 AM – 10:00AM): Train to Minato Science Musuem
- Quick snack break before entering the museum
- Science activities at the Minato Science Museum, including visit to planetarium
- Lunch Break (1:00 PM – 1:45 PM): Lunch at Kishoucho Shokudo 気象庁食堂 (B1, Key’s Cafe).
- Location: Kishoucho Syokudo
- Return to Lexis before 3:00 PM.

Day 4: April 3rd (Thursday)
All-Day Activity: Terrarium Building (9:00 AM – 3:00 PM)
- Morning (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
- Scientific introduction to natural habitats (Reading, writing, speaking and listening)
- Preparation: Cutting window screens, sorting rocks and moss, and organizing tools and materials.
- Demonstration: Step-by-step tutorial on building terrariums.
Lunch Break (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
- Lunch provided at Lexis or local restaurant.
Afternoon (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
・Continue Terrarium building project
・Adding design elements and aesthetics
・Explanation on maintaining the life of student terrariums for years to come!

レクシス・スプリングキャンプ 詳細スケジュール
1日目: 3月31日(月曜日)
午前 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
- レクシスでの勉強セッション:
リーディング、ライティング、文法、科学、スピーキング、ボキャブラリーを、英語のレベルごとに分かれた対話式のグループ活動を通じて学びます。 - 顕微鏡の紹介:
昼休み (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
- レクシスまたは近隣のレストランで昼食を食べます。
午後 (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
- 井の頭公園への遠足:
- 活動内容: 自然散策、クマムシ探し、ボート体験、グループゲーム。
- レクシスに戻ってからの顕微鏡使用:
- 生物の種類を特定し、科学的研究手法を使用して記録や図解を行います。
- 悪天候時の代替プラン:
- レクシス内でスライドを使った室内グループ研究、
- レクシス内でスライドを使った室内グループ研究、
終了時刻: 午後3時。
2日目: 4月1日(火曜日)
(10:00 AM ~ 11:00 AMと2:30 PM ~ 3:10 PMに通常通りマットクラスを開催します)
午前 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
- 調整されたスケジュール:
- 少人数での開催の場合(15名以下の場合): レクシスで行います。
- 大人数での開催の場合 (15名以上の場合): Dig Bowlで行います。
- 1日目の自然散策で発見したものを、顕微鏡で分析します。
昼休み (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
- レクシスまたは近隣のレストランで昼食を食べます。
午後 (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
- マイクロピッグカフェ:
- 小グループに分かれてマイクロピッグと交流します。
- 最大20名 (1グループあたり子ども3名に対し大人1名)。
- 必要に応じて時間枠を2回に分け、教師1名がレクシスに残る形で調整します。
終了時刻: 午後3時。
3日目: 4月2日(水曜日)
終日遠足: 港区立みなと科学館 (東京都港区虎ノ門3-6-9)
午前 (9:00 AM – 10:00 AM):
- 電車でみなと科学館へ移動。到着後、軽いおやつ休憩を取ります。
- 科学活動: 科学館での展示見学やプラネタリウムを含む体験型アクティビティに参加します。
昼休み (1:00 PM – 1:45 PM):
- 気象庁食堂 (B1 Key's Cafe) で昼食を食べます。
- ランチ提供時間: 11:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM
午後 (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
- レクシスに戻ります。
4日目: 4月3日(木曜日)
終日活動: テラリウム作成ワークショップ
午前 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
- 自然の生息地に関する科学的紹介: リーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングを通じて学びます。
- 準備作業: 窓網のカット、岩や苔の仕分け、道具や材料の整理。
- 説明: テラリウム制作の手順を実物を使いながら説明します。
昼休み (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
- レクシスで昼食を提供します。
午後 (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM):
- テラリウム制作の続き: デザイン要素を加え、よりアレンジしていきます。
- テラリウムの管理方法: 長期間保管するための方法を学びます。
終了時刻: 午後3時。
All activities are directed and led in English by experienced native teachers from either Canada or the USA. (Japanese speaking staff will be present for support but all of our teachers are also bilingual). Just like our summer and winter camps, our spring camp is made to be enjoyable, informative, special, and inspiring. We hope to offer all students the opportunity to have wonderful English experiences during their spring holiday. When it comes to learning, we'll group students by their English skills. Those who are returnees, bilingual, or native English speakers will face challenges similar to what they would in North American schools, in subjects like science and English. We aim to spark interest in both boys and girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as well as in English.
Here is a video from our team lab camp in 2023
帰国子女 英語学校・子ども英会話 レクシスの 春休み 英語イベント2025
Here are a few of our Spring Camps from years past
春休みスプリングスクール 2025 Science & Nature Spring Camp レクシス吉祥寺
スプリングデイキャンプ! 3月31日ー4月3日 Lexis Spring Camp: Science & Nature Spring Camp! 新年長〜 お申込むこちらSign up her…