
This is the Lexis community blog: highlighting events, classes, testing and more here at Lexis Language Center in Kichijoji

英語のイベント English Events
Lexis Spring School - Day Camp 2023 春休み

International Spring School Day Camp in Tokyo 2023. Experienced native English teachers. March 27-30. Aquariums, Science, Sky Tree, & more!

帰国子女とは Questions and Answers: Returnee (Kikokushijo) Students 質問と回答 帰国子女について in 2024

Questions and Answers: Returnee 帰国子女 (Kikokushijo) Students:
Throughout Lexis and its more than 25 years of teaching returnee students, we have learned a lot. Time and time again we have answered questions and passed on advice. The following is a short guide and FAQ to 帰国子女 (kikokushijo), or returnee students. We hope through our writing and our classes, we can help provide the best education for you and your family!

帰国後英語を忘れる 2024 Forgetting English After Coming Back to Japan

ジャレッドは15年、日本人一般性と帰国子女に英語を教えており、帰国子女には特別なアプローチが必要だと理解しています。彼はハーバード大学でスクールマネジメントとリーダーシップの認定証を取得しています。Lexisは約30年間 […]
