2024 夏休みサマースクール Lexis Summer Day Camp: Summer Freeze! (#2) 8月
2024 サマーデイキャンプ! 8月19日ー8月22日

This year there will be two summer camps. The first one is a combination of academic English study and fun activities. The second one is more focused on daily life English and exploration while using the language.
Table of Contents
International Summer School Day Camp 2024
The theme of our second summer day camps is more Summer Freeze! While enjoying cool treats such as ice cream and other cool treats, we plan to go out for 4 days of adventure. Leaving the classroom behind, we will use daily life English while exploring fun places, and cooling off with lots of fun. We'll go swimming, splash down on water rides at Tokyo Dome city, roller skate at the dome, check out the aquarium at Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, travel to an indoor skiing facility for a 220 meter long water slide and so much more!
英語インタナショナルスプリングスクール 2024

If you want an idea of what to expect at a Lexis Summer Camp, here is a preview of our first summer day camp, you can expect the same kind of fun at our second!
Target Age: 5 to 12 years old (from senior kindergarten to 6th grade).
Lunch, all materials a supplies as well as a snack are all included every day. Students will also receive an original artist designed T shirt,

If you have special requests for meals, such as allergies, vegetarian, or foods for a picky eater, please be sure to include that in the signup information and we will do everything we can to accommodate all requests.
2024年8月 夏のイベントスケジュール
1日目:(月曜日 8/19)プールでの楽しいひとときと自分で作るアイスクリーム プールで楽しい時間を過ごしましょう!水遊びやゲームを楽しんだ後、レクシスに戻って自分だけのアイスクリームを作ります。好きなフレーバーやトッピングを選んで、美味しいアイスクリームを作成できます。涼しく楽しく過ごす最高の方法です!
2日目:(火曜日 8/20)東京ドームシティの水のアトラクション&ローラースケート 東京ドームシティでエキサイティングな一日をお楽しみください!スリリングな水のアトラクションで濡れて楽しむことができます。他にもたくさんの楽しいアトラクションがあります。さらに、ローラースケートを履いてスケートリンクを滑ることもできます。初心者でも上級者でも、スケートを楽しむことができます!
3日目:(水曜日 8/21)サンシャインシティ水族館 サンシャインシティ水族館を訪れて、カラフルな魚から素晴らしいアシカまで、さまざまな海の生き物を見てみましょう。海とそこに住む動物について学び、多くの展示を探検して、海の素晴らしい世界を発見してください!
4日目:(木曜日 8/22)狭山スキーリゾート夏の水祭り 特別な夏の水祭りのために狭山スキーリゾートに来てください。誰にとっても楽しいさまざまなウォータースライドをお楽しみいただけます。長さ220メートルのスライドを滑り降りるもよし、優しい体験のために大きな泡のプールで涼むのもよし。夏を涼しく楽しく過ごすのに最適な方法です。
August 2024 Summer Event Schedule
Day 1: (Monday 8/19) Swimming Pool Fun and Make Your Own Ice Cream-- Join us for a fun day in the swimming pool! You can swim and play games in the water. After swimming, we'll head back to Lexis to make our own ice cream. You can choose your favorite flavors and toppings to create your own delicious ice cream. It's a great way to cool down and have fun!"
Day 2: (Tuesday 8/20) Water Ride and Attractions at Tokyo Dome City & Roller Skating-- Enjoy a day of excitement at Tokyo Dome City! Ride on the thrilling water rides, where you can get wet and have a blast. There are lots of other fun attractions too. Plus, you can put on some roller skates and glide around the roller skating rink. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you'll have lots of fun skating!
Day 3: Wednesday (8/21) Sunshine City Aquarium-- Visit the Sunshine City Aquarium to see many different sea creatures, from colorful fish to amazing sea lions. Learn about the ocean and the animals that live there. Explore the aquarium's many exhibits and discover the wonderful world under the sea!
Day 4: Thursday (8/22) Sayama Ski Resort Summer Water Festival-- Come to the Sayama Ski Resort for a special Summer Water Festival. Enjoy a variety of water slides that are fun for everyone. Slide down a long 220 meter slide or cool off and enjoy a massive foam pool for a more gentle experience. It's a perfect way to stay cool and have loads of fun during the summer.

Learning and Exploring with Native Teachers This Summer
All activities are directed and led entirely in English by experienced native teachers from either Canada or the USA. Just like our winter and spring camps, our summer camp is designed to be fun, educational, unique and motivating. We aim to give students the chance to enjoy exceptional experiences in English during their summer break.
Here is another video from our trip to Team Lab Planets
帰国子女 英語学校・子ども英会話 レクシスの 夏休み 英語イベント
Lexis Summer School Day Camp 2024 (Summer Freeze 2!)
8月19日(月)~8月22日(金)9:00 ~ 15:00